Where to Host

Deciding where to host

This is going to be a pretty important decision on where you’d like your website to live. At this point you have your framework, your new repo and your ready to create content.

You have several free (for hobbyists, personal sites) or very cheap options. I’ll list a few but we’ll focus on a single one for our demo purpose.

There are more but you can research those options on your own if you’d like something different.

Today we’ll be using CloudFlare Pages.

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, did you “Commit” and “Push” your new first post you made in the last post? In our example it was “Hello World”.

If you didn’t, you’ll want to do that first.

Fig. 1
Fig. 2

Time to create a FREE account at Cloudflare pages. I’ll wait.

  1. Once you are signed into your new Dashboard, click “Pages” on the left and we’re going to “Create a project” and “Connect to Git”.

  2. You’ll need to go through the process to connect Cloudflare to your GitHub account.

  3. Select your repository, in my example it’s zetritech-com and then Begin Setup

    Fig. 3
    Repo and Setup
  4. Give it a name, pick a branch (likely main) and then scroll down to Build settings:

    Fig. 4
    Build settings
  5. For Hexo, you’ll want the Build Command to be

    hexo generate

  6. Build output directory to be public

  7. Click Save and Deploy

  8. If everything went as it should you should have been given a link, which right now isn’t very user friendly but it should work!

    Fig. 5
    Look, a site!

We’ll get into some more details on next steps in the next post!
