A New Beginning


Welcome to my new ”blog” or whatever you want to call something like this. I’ve been experimenting with some new static content generators because I’m kind of tired of maintaining a WordPress blog for what seems like things that don’t need that kind of overhead. A costly (possibly) hosting plan, SQL database, plugins, themes, and updates that seem to be constantly required and maintained.

It’s not that I can’t do these things, but they are easy to forget and not get taken care of promptly, and before you know it your site is 15 versions out of date and you don’t know the ramifications of doing the updates and if it could break everything…so you don’t and just keep putting it off.

So with that, all said, I’ve been looking into the various static content generators that are out there that can make something like a website or blog easier to build, maintain, and fairly automatic. I’ll go through these steps as I’m learning this as well and will try to post steps on how all this can work.

I am experimenting with a system called Hexo and that’s what this particular website is being generated with. Sound exciting? More to come!
